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King James Version (KJV) Bible Book List. Revelation 1:11. King James Version Update. 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto. James also spoke of inheriting the Kingdom in his epistle (James 2:5), as did Peter (II Peter 1:10-11). In the face of all of this evidence, it is clear that the soon-coming Kingdom of God, which will be ruled by Jesus Christ on earth (Zechariah 14:3-5, 9; Matthew 5:5, Revelation 5:10; 20:4-6), was certainly a significant part of what Jesus. 1 Peter 5:5-11King James Version (KJV) 5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of.

Overcoming the World

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1WhosoeverbelieveththatJesusisthe Christis bornofGod:andevery onethat lovethhim that begatloveth{5725} him alsothat is begottenofhim.2Bythiswe knowthatwe lovethe childrenof God,whenwe loveGod,andkeephiscommandments.3Forthisisthe loveof God,thatwe keephiscommandments:andhiscommandmentsarenotgrievous.4Forwhatsoeveris bornofGodovercomeththe world:andthisisthe victorythat overcomeththe world,[even] ourfaith.

5Whoishe that overcomeththe world,buthe that believeththatJesusisthe Sonof God?6Thisishe that camebywaterandblood,[even] JesusChrist;notbywateronly,butbywaterandblood.Andit isthe Spiritthat beareth witness,becausethe Spiritistruth.7Forthere arethreethat bear recordinheaven,the Father,the Word,andthe HolyGhost:andthesethreeareone.8Andthere arethreethat bear witnessinearth,the Spirit,andthe water,andthe blood:andthese threeagreeinone.

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1WhosoeverbelieveththatJesusisthe Christis bornofGod:andevery onethat lovethhim that begatloveth{5725} him alsothat is begottenofhim.2Bythiswe knowthatwe lovethe childrenof God,whenwe loveGod,andkeephiscommandments.3Forthisisthe loveof God,thatwe keephiscommandments:andhiscommandmentsarenotgrievous.4Forwhatsoeveris bornofGodovercomeththe world:andthisisthe victorythat overcomeththe world,[even] ourfaith.

5Whoishe that overcomeththe world,buthe that believeththatJesusisthe Sonof God?6Thisishe that camebywaterandblood,[even] JesusChrist;notbywateronly,butbywaterandblood.Andit isthe Spiritthat beareth witness,becausethe Spiritistruth.7Forthere arethreethat bear recordinheaven,the Father,the Word,andthe HolyGhost:andthesethreeareone.8Andthere arethreethat bear witnessinearth,the Spirit,andthe water,andthe blood:andthese threeagreeinone.

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9Ifwe receivethe witnessof men,the witnessof Godisgreater:forthisisthe witnessof Godwhichhe hath testifiedofhisSon.10He that believethonthe Sonof Godhaththe witnessinhimself:he that believethnotGodhath madehima liar;becausehe believethnotthe recordthatGodgaveofhisSon.11Andthisisthe record,thatGodhath givento useternallife,andthislifeisinhisSon.12He that haththe Sonhathlife;[and] he that hathnotthe Sonof Godhathnotlife.

Purpose and Concluding Remarks

13These thingshave I writtenunto youthat believeonthe nameof the Sonof God;thatye may knowthat yehaveeternallife,andthatye may believeonthe nameof the Sonof God.14Andthisisthe confidencethatwe haveinhim,that,ifwe askany thingaccordingto hiswill,he hearethus:15Andifwe knowthathe hearus,whatsoeverwe ask,we knowthatwe havethe petitionsthatwe desiredofhim.

16Ifany manseehisbrothersina sin[which is] notuntodeath,he shall ask,andhe shall givehimlifefor them that sinnotuntodeath.There isa sinuntodeath:I do notsaythathe shall prayforit.17Allunrighteousnessissin:andthere isa sinnotuntodeath.

18We knowthatwhosoeveris bornofGodsinnethnot;buthe that is begottenofGodkeepethhimself,andthat wicked onetouchethhimnot.19[And] we knowthatwe areofGod,andthe wholeworldliethinwickedness.20Andwe knowthatthe Sonof Godis come,andhath givenusan understanding,thatwe may knowhim that is TRUE,andwe areinhim that is TRUE,[even] inhisSonJesusChrist.Thisisthe TRUEGod,andeternallife.

Totalfinder 1 11 5 Kjv King James Version

Troga 1 7 8 – simple and fast translator. 21Little children,keepyourselvesfromidols.Amen.

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